Monday 1 February 2010

Void Quetions

If I were to give a title to this story I would call this by 'The Black box'' because the story isn't mostly about the lottery but its about the Black box. Even though the black box was introduced mostly at the end of the story, it gave me the most tension and I was so eager to find out. While reading this I knew that something bad was going to happen since the black dot meant a bad sign. However, when the end of the story wasn't given to me I was very curious and wanted to find out the next part of the story. When the mystery paper was handed to me with the black dot on it I was very nervous. I was thinking that there's a test for the people who got black dot. Moreover, even I was very curious I did follow the instructions because I thought if I did something bad would happen to me. The black box seemed to be mysterious, but the black dot created more tension to me. My predictions were correct about something bad happening and I felt proud of myself. I think that the author left voids in the story, therefore, it would create tension, and to make people ask questions, and to keep you focused in the story. The no title the author made seems as if entire thing was a void, because it felt empty. Moreover, with no ending seemed to make me curious and started asking questions in my mind. The clues at the end were actually more mysterious but without some of them would have been better. The mystery paper, delayed gratification caused lots of tension because it was until 5 o' clock and I couldn't forget it because as I kept opening my locker, it would remind me of the black dot which made me nervous everytime.

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