Tuesday 16 March 2010

The lost boys of Sudan

The lost boys from Sudan from the Dinka tribe had escaped from their country, because of the civil war that occurred between north and south Sudan. While the Dinka tribe fleed to Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, they went through lots of sufferings with bad conditions. After some time, the lost boys had been chosen to migrate to America where they thought it was like going to heaven. Peter was one of the lost boys who got chosen to migrate to America and he has also dreamed of going to heaven. However, as time passed by Peter's mind started to change, it wasn't easy as he thought. Peter has faced lots of difficulties trying to assimilate into new culture, and to actually fit in the group. Moreover, Peter thought he was being unfair and burden to his friends because he wasn't getting paid enough from his work to share room with his friends, and because he thought he wasn’t achieving his goal which is to get an education, and therefore Peter leaves his friends and goes to Kansas. he thought that he was becoming a burden to his friends and leaves Houston for Kansas. One reason that peter have faced difficulties was because of culture shock, as America and Africa have a totally different levels of being uncivilized. The lost boys were living at the refugee camp, therefore they have been living in their culture way all through their life. This shows that the lost boys were very uncivilized because they have been keep using the same way over again. However, in America they have learned that they could live a easier life just by learning new laws, transportation and getting food so easily. It is because in the refugee camp they have been struggling from hunger. Therefore, Peter have been facing culture shock, because of the huge difference in uncivilized country and civilized country. Another reason that peter was going through difficulties was because of skin color which is also known as racism. Peter was having a thought that he was too black which made him depressed because everyone had looked down on him. For example, the school counselor had looked down on peter just because he was from the refugee camp, with no parents and was too black who had never got education before. Also when he was working at the supermarket, the boss have used him to do hard work since he was easily to deal with because he was uneducated. Therefore, he had been told to work outside under the sun, because as he was black, and is from Africa the boss had thought that Peter was used to heat and could work better than the White people as he could stand it. I thinkg the main reason that is causing the lost boys to face all the difficulties is because of the language. Peter couldnt speak English properly and therefore had been looked down from many other teachers and friends. At first, he couldnt make new friends because people had been ignoring him and looking down on him that he couldnt speak English properly. As he was dissapointed from being ignored Peter proves that he could speak English by taking ESL classes and really participating in all his classes. Peter had studied really well and had manage to prove that he could speak Enlgish and that people like him can get education therefore they should not look down. He had proved this by getting a letter from National Honor Society. At the end Peter overcomes the problem by graduating high school and getting scholarship to go to University. He had manage to face the problem because he had never given up his dream and worked really hard. Peter had assimilated to the new culture as well, and had managed to succeed his goal that he had dreamed of.

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